
Cards (24)

  • Harold Wilson - Labour PM from 1964-70
  • 1964 General Election:
    • October 1964 - conservatives loss by a narrow margin -> Labour secured 44.1% + Conservatives secured 43.4%
  • Economy:
    • increased social mobility led to social + cultural changes in this period
    • Labour gov wanted to focus on the need of the public + less on wealth/affluence -> more focus on public sector + social inclusivity
    • Wilson wanted to move away from Keynesian economics + wanted a long-term solution for Britain.
  • Keynesian economics - centred around government intervention to control total amount of demand for all goods + services produced in the economy.
  • Rise of teenagers:
    • youth subcultures emerged -> groups with distinct styles, behaviours + interests.
    • teens had the time + money to experiment with identity + reject traditional categories created by the older generations such as the Establishment -> groups who have been historically elite in society + who have occupied positions of power.
    • Example of subculture -> Mods + Rockers
    Mods - dress in smart attire + ride scooters
    Rockers - dress in leather + ride motorbikes
    -> they expressed their anger at the Establishment through anti-social behaviour + were known for their hooliganism.
  • 1960s culture:
    • mass media played a role in shaping the Swinging Sixties + companies were eager to profit from the youth’s new obsession with identity -> ADs on magazines, TV + radios promoted pop music + culture e.g Beatles and new stylish clothing
  • Censorship + the Theatres Act 1968
    • Ended censorship of plays + removed the system of having every play go through Lord Chamberlain for approval before brought to the stage.
  • Women’s Liberation Movement - advocated for Women’s rights e.g 1961, contraceptive pill availability + 1967, abortion legalisation.
  • Anti-Vietnam war riots:
    • 17 March 1968 -> 10,000 people took to the streets of London to protest against Vietnam War + Britain’s support for the US.
    • Violence broke out outside of US Embassy Grosvenor Square - 200 protestors arrested.
  • ‘Rivers of Blood‘ Speech 1968
    • Tory MP Enoch Powell’s speech in Birmingham Political Centre was a racist speech which proposed legislation encouraging immigrants to go back to their country of origin + took place days before Race Relations Bill 1968.
  • 1962 Commonwealth Immigration Act - aimed to restrict commonwealth citizens from migrating to Britain.
  • 1968 Commonwealth Immigration Act - restricted access to only those with a father or grandfather born in the UK.
  • Example: National Front (anti-immigration hate group) wanted to ban all non-white immigration into the country.
  • Labour’s social reform legislation ~
    Home Secretary Roy Jenkins either introduced or supported the following reforms:
    • 1967 Abortion Act
    • Murder Act 1965 + End of Capital Punishment 1969
    • Sexual Offences Act 1967
    • Race relations Act 1965 + 1968
    • Divorce Reform Act 1969
  • 1967 Abortion Act:
    • was originally introduced by David Steel as a private member’s bill
    Bill gave women the freedom to choose to have an abortion for up to week 24 of pregnancy under the conditions that:
    • it must be performed by a registered doctor
    • it must be authorised by 2 doctors
    • pregnancy must be of serious risk to the physical/mental health of the mother
    • the child would be born with disabilities
  • End of Capital Punishment 1969
    • capital punishment was officially abolished in the UK
  • Sexual Offences Act 1967
    Act legalised homosexual relations between men in England + Wales as long as:
    • homosexual act taken place in private
    • both parties consent
    • age of 21 or above
  • Race Relations Act 1965 + 1968
    1965 -> made it a civil offence to discriminate based on race or ethnicity in public areas
    1968 -> strengthened initial act by prohibiting racial discrimination in employment + housing
  • Divorce Reform Act 1969
    Divorce process could take place if:
    • only one partner wanted a divorce, they had to prove they had been living apart from each other for at least 5 years
    • or, if both parties wanted a divorce, the period of separation had to be at least 2 years
  • Devaluation 1967
    • Wilson was concerned about inflation + Britain’s balance of payments deficit would cause serious economic problems.
    • Wilson reduced the value of the pound in 1967 as a result.
  • ‘In Place of Strife’ 1969
    • Wilson published government paper ‘In Place of Strife’ -> restricted union strikes.
  • Resale Price Act 1964 - stopped manufacturers from imposing resale prices on items + this helped cut prices and drive economic growth.
  • Alec Douglas-Home contributions:
    • resale price act 1964
  • Harold Wilson contributions:
    • abortion act 1967
    • murder act 1965
    • end of capital punishment 1969
    • sexual offences act 1967
    • race relations act 1965+68
    • divorce reform act 1969