What are the key feelings involved with a numinous experience?
What are the key aspects of a numinous experience?
.in terms of the Latin phrase - mysterium tremendum et fascinans
What does mysterium mean?
wholly other
totally other
separate from us
distinct from us
What does tremendum mean?
inspires awe and fear
overpowers us
enthuses (excites) us
What does fascinans mean?
Who is the scholar for numinous experiences?
Rudolph Otto
What idea did Otto introduce?
Otto introduced the idea that all religious experiences are about encountering something totally other. This is the basis of all religion. He used the word ‘numinous‘ to describe this object of religious experience.
Where does the word ‘numinous’ come from?
The Latin word ‘numen’ meaning ‘holy‘ or ‘divine’. it involves the sense of being in the presence of an awesome power but feeling distinctly separate from it.
What other ideas have we already studied of God that cohere with Otto’s idea?
God’s transcendence
God’s omnipotence
In summary, what does Otto’s philosophy fo us on?
emphasises difference between the ‘experiencer’ and the deity (God) - the separation between God and humans.
focuses on dependency on the external - God is more powerful than us
Often sudden, unprepared for - yet totally captivating - I expected but engrossed in it.
What does Otto say our feelings are?
Suigeneris - of their own kind/ unique
Non-rational - can‘t think them through or make an intellectualdecision. They happen to you.