madeofcellulose. it supportsthecellandstrengthensit.
what is the role of the permanent vacuole?
storageforcellsap , aweaksolutionofsaltsandsugars
what is the role of the plasmids?
What are nerve cells function and how are they specialised?
nerve cells functionistocarryelectricsignalsfromonepartofthebodytoanother. They are specialised forrapidsignalling.Theyarelong ( to cover more distance ) and havebranched connectionsattheirendstoconnecttoothernervecells to formanetworkthroughoutthebody.
what are muscle cells function and what are they specialised for?
muscle cells function istocontract quickly. they are specialised forcontraction.thecellsarelong ( so theyhavespacetocontract ) , andcontainslotsofmitochondriatogenerateenergyneededforcontractions
what are sperm cells function and how are they specialised?
sperm cells are functioned togetmaleDNAtofemaleDNA. they are specialised for reproduction. they havealongtailandstreamlinedhead to helpswimtoegg. they havelotsofmitochondriainthecell to provideenergy. they carryenzymesinthehead to digestthroughtheeggcellmembrane
what is the function for a root hair cell and how are they specialised?
they are functioned to uptakewater. they are specialised for absorbingwater and minerals.theyareonthesurfaceofplant roots , whichgrowintolong hairsthatstickoutintothesoil. this givestheplantabigsurfaceareforabsorbingwater and mineral ionsfromthesoil
what is the function for an xylem and phloem and how are they specialised?
they formphloem and xylem tubes, which transportsubstances such as food and wateraroundplants. they are specialised for transportingsubstances. to formtubesthecellsarelong and joinedendtoend.xylemcells are hollowinthecentre and phloemcellshaveveryfewsubcellularfunctions so stuffcanflowthroughthem
What is cell differentiation?
processbywhichacellchangestobecomespecialisedforitsjob. As an organismdevelops,cellsdifferentiatetoformdifferenttypesofcells.Mosttype of animal cells differentiateatanearly stage.Manyplantscellshavetheabilitytoretaintheabilitytodifferentiatethroughoutlife
what are the cells that differentiate in mature animals used for?
theyareusedforrepairingandreplacingcellssuchasskin or blood cells.
How have microscopy techniques developed over time?
Before we use lightmicroscopeswhichuselightandlensestoformanimageofaspecimenandmagnifyit . They letus see individualcellsandlargesubcellularstructures. Now we use electronmicroscopeswhichuseelectronstoformanimage. They haveamuch higher magnification and higherresolution ( sharperimage ).
how have electron microscopes increased understanding of sub-cellular structures?
Higherresolution and magnification of electronmicroscopeshaveallowedscientists to visualize and studysub-cellularstructures in greaterdetail. they letusseesmallerthingsindetail like internalstructureofribosomes and chloroplast.
Formula for magnification?
Magnification = sizeofimage / sizeofreal object
microscopy PRACTICAL part 1?
adddropofwatertomiddleof a cleanslide.cutuponionandseparateitintolayers , usetweezerstopeeloffsomeepidermaltissuefromthebottomofonelayer.usingtweezersplaceepidermaltissueintothewaterontheslide.addadropofiodinesolution ( itsastain ). stainsareusedtohighlightobjectsbyaddingcolourtothem.placeacoverslipontop.trynottogetanyairbubblesunderthereastheywillobstructview of specimen.
Microscopy PRACTICAL part 2?
use light microscopetolookatslide.Cliptheslidesyou’vepreparedonto the stage.Select the lowestpoweredobjectivelens ( lowestmagnification ). Use the coarseadjustmentknobtomove the stagedownwarduntil the image is roughly in focus.Adjust the focuswiththefineadjustmentknob , until u get a clearimage of whatsontheslide. If u needtoseetheslidewithgreatermagnification , swapto a higherpoweredobjectivelensandrefocus.
where are chromosomes found and what do they carry?
the nucleusofacellcontainschromosomesmadeofDNAmolecules. each chromosomecarries a largenumber of genes. in body cells the chromosomes are normallyfoundinpairs.
what is the cell cycle?
seriesofeventsfromgrowthandDNA replication to mitosis
what happens during the cell cycle?
thegeneticinfoisdoubled and thendividedintotwo identical cells
what happens during growth and DNA replication?
beforethecelldivides , thecellhastogrow and increasetheamount of subcellularstructuressuch as mitochondria and ribosomes. it thenduplicatesitsDNA so there’sone copy for eachnew cell. the DNA is copiedandforms x shapedchromosomes.
what happens during mitosis?
the chromosomeslineupatthecentreofthecellandcell fibres pullthemapart.thetwoarmsofeachchromosomegotooppositeendstothecell. membranesformaroundeachset of chromosomes.thesebecomethenucleiofthetwonewcells. the nucleushasdivided. lastly, the cytoplasm and cellmembranedivide. the cellshave now producedtwonewdaughtercells. they containexactlythesameDNA,they’reidentical. the DNAisalsoidenticaltotheparentcell
what is a stem cell?
an undifferentiatedcellofanorganismwhichiscapable of givingrise to manymorecellsofthesame types.
what is the function of stem cells in embryos ( embryonic stem cells ) ?