Chapter 21

Cards (35)

  • Hull house
    Houses for immigrants where instruction was given in English and how to get a job, among other things. Was opened by Jane Addams in Chicago in 1889. This center were usually run by educated middle class women. The houses became centers for reform in the women's and labor movements.
  • Walter Rauschenbusch
    Protestant clergy who espoused social justice for the poor, especially the urban poor with the ideas of the social gospel: importance of applying Christian principles to social problems
  • Muller v. Oregon
    1908 - Supreme Court case that said Oregon can place restrictions on women's hours because women are weak and need protection
  • Muckrakers
    Journalists that exposed stories about crime and corruption taking place during the Gilded Age
  • Thorstein Veblen
    He wrote The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899), a savage attack on the rich and how they flaunted their money (conspicuous consumption). He criticized them for making money for money's sake rather than making goods to satisfy real needs.
  • Jacob Riis
    one of the first photojournalists; published pictures on tenement life that were published into the book "How The Other Half Lives"
  • Thomas Nast
    A famous muckraker, he published cartoons that focused on corruption in government. Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed were among his favorite "subjects"
  • Lincoln Stephens
    He was a muckracker, famous for "Shame of the Cities" that brought attention to the corruption in municipal (city) governments and politics
  • Ida Tarbell
    She wrote a series of muckraking articles called "The History of the Standard Oil Company" that brought to light the ruthless tactics of Rockefeller. Her father had been one of the business taken over by Rockefeller.
  • Jane Addams
    Prominent social reformer who was responsible for creating the Hull House. She helped other women join the fight for reform, as well as influencing the creation of other settlement houses.
  • Florence Kelly
    This leader of the social justice movement is most well known for her campaign again sweatshops, for a minimum wage and for government regulations to protect working women and children
  • Carrie Chapman Catt
    President of National American Woman Suffrage Association; originally wanted to win votes at state level, then switched strategies and sought a suffrage amendment in the Constitution
  • The Welfare State
    A government that undertakes responsibility for the "welfare" of its citizens through programs in public health and public housing and unemployment compensation etc.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
    (1911) 146 women killed while locked into the burning building (brought attention to poor working conditions)
  • Robert La Follette
    He is known for the "Wisconsin Experiment" in which he began to build Wisconsin into a progressive state, placing many issues in the hands of voters. It included a direct primary, tax reform, and state regulatory commission to monitor railroads, utilities, and business such as insurance
  • Direct Primary
    When nomination of party candidates happens by majority vote instead of party committee- to try and limit the influence of the political machine. Was only partially successful as politicians could confuse voters...
  • Initiative
    Allowed voters to make the legislature consider a bill
  • Referendums
    Allowed citizens to vote on proposed laws printed on their ballots
  • Recall
    Allowed voters to remove a corrupt or unsatisfactory politician from office by majority vote before that official's term had expired
  • Sherman Anti-trust act
    Was created as the first attempt to regulate trusts, but in the end was ineffective because of a Supreme Court ruling and was actually used agains labor unions.
  • Hepburn Act
    This allowed the government to fix railroad rates that were "just and reasonable"
  • John Muir
    A Californian preservationist, president of the Sierra Club; opposed to businesses taking land for economic gains; gets govt. to set aside 35 mil. acres for a natl. forest
  • Upton Sinclair
    A muckraker who shocked the nation when he published The Jungle, a "fictional" novel that revealed gruesome details about the meat packing industry in Chicago (but it said some really gross stuff)
  • Pure Food and Drug act
    The act that prohibited the manufacture, sale, or shipment of impure of falsely labeled food
  • Square Deal
    T. Roosevelt attempts to side with both business and consumers
  • New Nationalism
    Roosevelt called for this- government regulation of businesses and unions, women's suffrage, and more social welfare programs
  • Bull Moose Party
    The Republicans were badly split in the 1912 election, so Roosevelt broke away forming his own Progressive Party
  • Federal Reserve Act
    This was created under Wilson's New Freedom. It established a national banking system with twelve district banks to regulate currency and supervised by Federal Reserve Board
  • Clayton Antitrust Act
    Act that greatly strengthened the provisions in the Sherman Antitrust Act for breaking up monopolies; important for organized labor; contained clause exempting unions from being prosecuted as trusts; major piece of legislation that completed Wilson's New Freedom program
  • Wilson's New Freedom
    Sought to help society by targeting the "triple wall of privilege" and implementing on 3 reform movements: lowering tariffs, regulating banks and reforming businesses by eliminating/regulating trusts.
  • 16 amendment
    Instituted the Federal income tax
  • 17 amendment
    requirement that all US senators by elected by popular vote; direct election of senators
  • 18 amendment
    Made the sale of alcohol illegal
  • 19 amendment
    Gave women the right to vote
  • Meat Inspection Act
    Provided for inspectors to visit meatpacking plants to ensure they met minimum standards of sanitation