Bio therapies for SZ (drug therapy)

Cards (10)

  • Early treatment of Sz
    Anti psychotics developed to effect dopamine levels and treat psychosis, Typical and Atypical antipsychotics
  • Chlorpromazine as a bio therapy for SZ
    Typical drug used since 50’s, tablet or syrup 400-800mg daily or injection every 2-4 weeks. its a Dopamine antagonists which blocks receptors and reduces postive symptoms
  • Why were Atypical drugs developed to treat SZ
    Used since 70’s to improve in reducing symptoms and reduces side effects of typical drugs
  • Clozapine as a bio therapy for SZ
    Atypical drug more effective than original, Tablette or syrup 300-450mg daily (NO INJECTION). works by blocking dopamine + glutamine + serotonin receptor, Reduces pos + neg Symptoms
  • risperidone as a bio therapy for SZ
    Atypical drug, Dopamine+glutamine+serotonin antagonists more effective than original. Tablet or syrup 4-8Mg or injection every 2 weeks
  • Strength of Typical drug therapy as a bio treatment for SZ
    Evidence for effectiveness = review studies of 1000 patients compared Chlorpromazine to placebo, drug was associated with better functioning and reduced symptoms and lower relapse rates - shows drugs work
  • Strength of Atypical drug therapy as a bio treatment for SZ

    Evidence for effectiveness: clozapine more effective than typical drugs, effective in 30-50% of treatment cases where typical had failed. Also reduced suicide risk
  • Weakness of Typical drug therapy as a bio treatment for SZ

    Side effects: dizziness, restlessness, itching > however dosage has been reduced, minimising side effects
  • Weakness of Atypical drug therapy as a bio treatment for SZ

    Fewer side effects but risk of granulocytosis (reducing white blood cells) > risk minimised with health checks
  • Weakness of overall drug therapy as a bio treatment for SZ

    Lack of theoretical sense= based on hyperdopaminergia, not full explaination because hypodopaminergia also problem, in theory shouldnt work but it does and unclear how