Content Analysis

Cards (5)

  • Difference between primary and secondary data
    Primary= conducted first hand by researcher (for aim of study)
    Secondary= conducted by third party/ another researcher- not specifically for the aim of the study
  • How to carry out content anaylsis
    • use recordings to make a transcript
    • analyse transcript using coding
    • Create behavioural categories (themes)
    • Mark off /tally when categories are mentioned in transcript
  • What is content analysis?
    It is a way in which to analyse data using coding units (categories/ themes)
  • Disadvantage of child daycare example (content analysis)
    • demand characterisitics
    • Mothers not having enough time to complete
    • difficult to establish appropriate categories
  • How to write a consent form?
    1. purpose of the study
    2. length of time required for the particpants
    3. any potential harm that particpants could experience
    4. Details of the study
    5. Right to withdraw
    6. Protection from harm
    7. Confidentiality