Bread riots

Cards (4)

  • On the 23rd of February, over 100,000 women and men marched for bread. The cossacks were younger and less experienced and by some oversight had not been given their normal whips. Meaning there was nothing they could do, emboldening the protesters who came back the next day and the next
  • The bread riots were able to gain such momentum because of the severe lack of food and bread in the shops where the peasants lived. In the places where the richer aristocrats lived, their bakeries were stocked. During these bread riots, the peasants would break into these shops and take the bread.
  • The riots were widespread, with a chief of police murdered brutally by a crowd on the 25th of February when they surrounded him and beat him with sticks and wood
  • On the 26th of February, a cossak took a bunch of red roses from a young girl in the crowd. People began to speak if the comrade cossacks who were also so hungry that they eventually joined in, shooting their leaders