Evolutionary explanations of AGG > sexual jelousy

Cards (6)

  • What are traits of sexual jelousy
    Paternal uncertainty: cannot be certain partners newborn is theirs. risk of cuckoldry: raising another mans child. Man less reproductively successful: genes not passed on. As a result men experience jelousy and use aggressive strategies to prevent partners infidelity
  • Traits of aggressive strategies in sexual jealousy
    Direct guarding: man monitors partner’s behaviour including where and who the partners goes such as tracking them. Negative inducements: man threatens partner such as i will hurt myself if you leave study: ask women about partners use of agg strategies through likert scales, women reporting higher levels of Agg also reported high levels of domestic violence
  • strength of evolutionary explanations of aggression
    Explains gender differences = physical aggression less adaptive for Women it would put themselves and pregnancy at risk> use verbal agg instead to ensure partners continues to provide > explains why women less physically agg
  • strength of evolutionary explanations of aggression
    Practical applications = non physical agg strategies can be early indicators of domestic violence > makes people aware of danger signs of domestic violence > explanation protects women
  • Weakness of evolutionary explanations of aggression
    Ethical implications = excuse for male violence against partners > says they evolved to use agg strategies to protect genes > excuses domestic violence
  • Weakness of evolutionary explanations of aggression
    Cultural differences = male agg higher in cultures with gender stereotypes > more aggression in trad working class areas as gender roles important > more aggression in certain communities over others