Social psych of Agg > frustration Agg

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  • What is the frustration aggression hypothesis
    Frustration can lead to agg if attempts to achieve goal is blocked by external factor we experience frustration which creates agg drive
  • Explain aggressive drive in frustration agg hypothesis
    catharsis can reduce agg drive, aggression may not be expressed against source so displacement can occour, e.g. drivers goal is to reach destination but is blocked by dickheads which leads to frustration and aggressive outburst of swearing
  • weakness of frustration aggression hypothesis
    Alternate hypothesis > frustration doesnt always lead to aggression it may only occur in presence of cues such as weapons, cues more likely to trigger aggression
  • weakness of frustration aggression hypothesis
    Alternative explanation= SLT > Bandura argues agg only one response to frustration, agg may occur more if role model modelled aggression in past > Bobo Doll study, aggression in children when observed role model hitting doll > motivated to use aggression to respond to frustration
  • weakness of frustration aggression hypothesis
    Alternative research = participants given real shocks to create frustration, Given opportunity to give fake shocks back.
    Weapon effect= returned shocks increased when guns displayed in room compared to no guns