Left Realists use VS to uncover the impact of crime on a community
Jones et al's Islington Crime survey in 1986 and 1990 showed that 1 in 3 households had experienced serious crime. 25% avoided going out after dark, 28% didn't feel safe in their own home. Over half of women have a 'virtual curfew.'
Farrington & Painter used a VS to test whether improved street lighting reduced crime rates. Victimhood decreased by 43%.
Feminists favour VS as it focuses on the victim
Dobash & Dobash did unstructured interviews with female victims of domestic abuse and found 77% only experienced it after marriage
Higher validity as it shows how crime impacts individuals
VS disadvantages
Small samples reduce generalisability and representativeness
Marxists note that it ignores white collar crimes and the victim's memories may be unreliable due to trauma
Due to value consensus, functionalists argue that police statistics are more reliable as they have bigger samples.
New Right use OCS to target the underclass for crime reduction
Left Realists argue that VS are helpful in addition to OCS as they create solutions and give a fuller picture