chapter 1

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  • An information system is a combination of people, procedures, software, hardware, data, and the Internet.
  • Some students may think of a system as pertaining to just the hardware.
  • A personal computer is part of an information system as well as people.
  • Almost all of today’s computer systems add an additional part, communication/the Internet.
  • To be a competent end user, one must understand the essentials of IT.
  • IT stands for information technology.
  • All of these parts will be discussed in the following slides, beginning with the most essential part: people.
  • People or End Users are the most important part of an information system but are often overlooked.
  • Our lives are touched everyday by computers, often the contact is direct and obvious, such as creating documents using a word processing program or when connecting to the Internet.
  • Organizations rely on quality and flexibility to stay competitive.
  • Changing Times is a fast paced era and rapid change.
  • Wireless technology changes the way we communicate.
  • Internet Web allows you to browse the Web, communicate with others, locate Information, etc.
  • Cloud computing involves using computing resources from the cloud to complete tasks instead of relying solely on your PC.
  • The Internet is the largest network and the World Wide Web (WWW) provides a multimedia interface to resources on the Internet.
  • Security, Privacy & Ethics need to be careful of the negative potential effects.
  • Cloud computing can be used to create and store your work, such as documents, spreadsheets, databases, and presentations.
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) is the continuing development of the Internet.
  • Worksheet files are created by electronic spreadsheets to analyze things like budgets and to predict sales.
  • Powerful Software allows you to create professional looking documents, analyze massive amounts of data, create dynamic multimedia pages, and more.
  • Connectivity is the capability of your personal computer to share information with other computers.
  • The Wireless Revolution and cloud computing promise the potential to dramatically affect the entire computer industry and how you interact with computers.
  • A network is central to the concept of connectivity and is a communication system connecting two or more computers.
  • Wireless /mobile communication and cloud computing have been the two most dramatic changes in connectivity over the past 5 years.
  • Database files are typically created by database management programs and contain highly structured and organized files.
  • Powerful Hardware is more powerful & robust, with new technologies such as wireless networks & their impact on connectivity, equipment can be dynamic vs essential features of devices remain unchanged.
  • Presentation Files are created by presentation graphics programs to save presentation materials.
  • Tablet (key term) such as iPad are smaller, lighter and less powerful than laptops and use a virtual keyboard.
  • Input/Output (key term) refers to devices that translate data and programs from a form humans understand to a form computers can process, and devices that translate the processed information from the computer into a form that humans can understand.
  • Secondary Storage (key term) holds data and programs even after the electrical power has been turned off, examples of secondary storage include USB drives, hard drives and optical drives.
  • Communication devices allow personal computers to communicate with another as near as the next office or as far away as the other side of the world.
  • Desktop (key term) is small enough to fit on top of a desk yet too big to carry around.
  • Laptop (key term) or notebook computers are portable, lightweight and can fit into most briefcases.
  • Data is raw, unprocessed facts, that can be stored electronically in files, processed data becomes information.
  • Hard disks are typically used to store programs and data files, they use rigid metallic platters and read/write heads for writing and reading data.
  • Smartphones (key term) are the most common handheld.
  • Document files are created by word processors to save documents such as memos, term papers, and letters.
  • Microprocessor (key term) controls and manipulates data to produce information and Memory (key term) is a holding area for data, instructions, and information.
  • System Unit (key term) is the container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system.
  • Communication (key term) involves one computer communicating with another computer or other computer systems using communication devices such as a modem.