wanted living space for growing population = at 1M increase per year
provide market for japanese goods within asia = economy was declining following depression, largest export of silk wasn’t being bought
japan was mountainous & they wanted to be able to grow crops such as rice
access rawmaterials for goods = iron, coal, timber
why was the league reluctant to take action in manchuria?
preserve own economies following depression
maintain good relationship with japan as powerful nation
didn’t want to sacrifice their military unnecessarily = unwilling to impose military sanctions as no nation were willing to sacrifice following WWI or depression
economic sanctions would have been ineffective in japan anyway as the USA was japan’s leading trading partner
the USA wasn’t part of the league
therefore USA would continue to trade with japan & the sanctions imposed by the league would be useless
the league eventually sent lord Lytton & his advisers to write a report on the Manchurian situation
took 8 months to travel before taking 6 weeks to write a report = published a year after china appealed to league (1932)
general assembly votes & finds japan guilty = uses moral condemnation to tell japan to remove themselves
then reluctant to do more = due to self-interest, relationship with japan & worries of retaliation
japan left the league on 27 march 1933 after being voted guilty by the assembly
they announced they intended to invade more of china = arguing self-defence
the league‘s actions in Manchuria were totally ineffective = displayed lack of strength
show self-interest takes priority as unwilling to sacrifice armies, economies & international relations despite being leaders of the league
prioritise only their own recovery
the failure of Manchuria sent a message to other aggressors such as Hitler & mussolini that the league were prepared to do very little to prevent the action of aggressors
also demonstrated that they are weak without the assistance of the USA
the world disarmament conference took place in 1932-34
the league was partly responsible for the failure of the conference as they were unable to make an effective decision in time of crisis
they also displayed huge national interest & hypocrisy as no country was willing to disarm to Germany’s extent
disarmament on all fronts would put the league’s leading countries at risk for attack
hypocrisy was shown as they forced Germany to make these sacrifices with no aid however failed to agree on them themselves
prioritised themselves only & abandoned promise of equality and preservation of world peace
Hitler later used the fact that other countries refused to disarm as an excuse for his own disarmament
germany walked out of the conference in 1933 due to impatience with the lack of decision = therefore needing some of the blame for the failure of the conference
The Abyssinian crisis took place 1935-36
Mussolini invaded Abyssinia to:
boost popularity following depression
distract Italians from true impact of depression by preparing them for war
matter of revenge = Italian army was humiliated & defeated by Abyssinian’s in 1896 after attempting to colonise country
resolve disappointment of 1919 = Italy failed to receive dominant share in germany’s colonies & access natural and mineral resources
the Abyssinian army was equipped with only outdated rifles, spears & arrows whilst Italy had tanks, planes and poison gas
following border dispute at wal-wal in 1934 = Italians built a fort within Abyssinian border & soon began build-up of forces within Somaliland and Eritrea
Italian attack launched in October 1935 without formal declaration of war
abyssinian emperor then appealed to LoN in 1935 and performed a speech
ballot taken in Britain in 1934-35 = showed British public supported use of military force to defend Abyssinia if necessary
there was no sympathy for Italy within public
by September 1935 - league concluded neither side was to blame for wal-was incident & put forward a plan to give Italy some of abyssinia
mussolini rejected this
following mussolini’s rejection = economic sanctions were introduced & Italy was condemned by league. however:
preoccupied with maintaining relationship with Italy = was leading member of council
1935 stresa pact had just been signed against German rearmament. unwilling to dispute as italy could potentially back out, form alliance with Germany
therefore the sanctions put in place against Italy were minimal & had little effect in preventing the invasion due to Britain & France’s self-interest
they excluded valuable war materials such as oil & coal from sanctions list
the suez canal remained open out of fear for attack on British colonies = was the main passageway for Italian army supply
USA also continued trade with Italy
the league was therefore attempting to pursue two contradictory policies at the same time within the abyssinian crisis
they wanted to appear to be preserving peace & leading the league whilst also maintaining relations with Italy
the hoare-laval pact was a secret deal devised between the british & french foreign ministers to give Mussolini two-thirds of Abyssinia in return for stopping the war
the french minister told the British that the french would no longer support sanctions against Italy if they didn’t agree to the hoare-laval pact
the details of the secret pact were then leaked to the press:
showed Britain & France had abandoned aims and terms of the league and disregarded their place as leading nations
policy of collective security abandoned = operating out of self-interest, secrecy
no longer prioritising world peace
working behind the back of country they were meant to be helping & assisting the aggressor = undermined all respect, authority, integrity
the USA was so disgusted with the actions of Britain & France that they dismissed a plan to assist with sanctions & upped oil sales to Italy following the secret pact
Italy successfully conquered all of Abyssinia in 1936
in march 1936 = Hitler marched troops into the rhineland against the treaty of Versailles
the french now wanted Italy’s support against Germany = they would no longer assist in sanctions against them, were willing to pay the price of abyssinia
however the french did not act against Hitler at this point as they didn’t have the support of Britain, who was distracted with abyssinia
the league condemned themselves within their dealings of the Abyssinian crisis as they pursued two contradictory policies at the same time = wanted to appear to be pursuing peace whilst prioritising own self-interest & alliances
wanted to please italy whilst also imposing sanctions so could seem as if they were helping Abyssinia
resulted in Italy leaving the league in 1937
effects of great depression?
less money
political issues = anger & resentment, extremist rise
international issues = struggling nations attempting to expand to rebuild economy
great depression?
made league unwilling to impose economic & military sanctions = underminedauthority
unwilling to takeaction against aggressors at Risk of own economies
Britain = unwilling to assist in disputes
USA = unwilling to assist in sanctions,continuedtrade etc
major cause of crises that resulted in leagues failure
lack of great powers in league?
usa didn’t join = sanctions were ineffective
unable to impose workingeconomicsanctions = depression & USA was wealthiest country, leastimpacted by WWI. USA would have assisted in sanctions & authority, however without USAcontinuedtrade with aggressors making league ineffective
usa would have also helped with militarism & militarysanctions as no country was willing to sacrificemilitary
Would have increasedauthority
Self interest?
sanctions were usually ineffective = due to countries prioritising themselves over the league
Britain & France were unwilling to risk their own country & economy following depression = also unwilling to sacrifice relations, out of fear for loss of trade or retaliation
Many countries also weakened by WWI = first priorities was always own recovery & national affairs
however the depression was a vital cause in heightening the self-interest of these countries = without it, this may not have been such an issue
ineffective sanctions?
economic & military sanctions entirely ineffective = lack of USA & league’s own army. therefore had to rely on moral condemnation which achieved nothing
inability to act resulted in lack of authority
economic sanctions = could be imposed however self-interest presented effective use of them, as well as lack of USA
military sanctions = never used; members unwilling to sacrifice them due to economic losses and self-interest
Why was the league slow to react to aggression?
leaders’ self interest = LoN not first priority; unwilling to sacrifice armies & economies
Poor structure of the league = need for unanimous votes, VETO, council & assembly infrequent meetings