Practice questions

Cards (3)

  • Answer =
    47.8 = 46 * 2x + 47 * 2x + 48 *(100-5X) * 49x
    = 8 %
  • Answer
    52.2 = (86.1 * 52) + 50x + 53 * (13.9 -x)/100
    1.3% = Cr50
    13.9-1.3 =
    12.6% = Cr 53
  • Answer
    Stage 1: General Trend (Li → Ne)
    1a. 1st IE increases
    1b. More protons/increased nuclear charge
    1c. Electrons in same energy level / shell 1d. No extra/similar shielding
    Stage 2: Deviation Be → B
    2a. B lower than Be
    2b. Outer electron in 2p
    2c. higher in energy than (2)s so weaker attraction
    Stage 3: Deviation N → O
    3a. O lower than N
    3b. 2 electrons in 2p need to pair
    3c. pairing causes repulsion (do not award if it is clear reference to repulsion is in s orbital)
