Structural surface features of bacteria are highly antigenic and permit immunodiagnostics; pili, flagellae, capsules are often virulence determinants in pathogens.
Bacteria can be classified as Frank Pathogens, capable of causing disease in any host; always considered a pathogen when isolated, Opportunistic Pathogens, capable of causing disease given the opportunity; often a commensal and part of the normal host flora, but is capable of causing disease in normally sterile tissues, and Non-pathogens, even weak or non-pathogenic bacteria can cause disease in hosts with weakened immune systems.
The Gram stain procedure involves making a THIN smear from a pure culture on a slide and heat-fixing, covering the smear with crystal violet for 30 sec, rinsing, covering the smear with Gram’s iodine for the same amount of time, holding the slide at an angle and rinsing with alcohol or alcohol-acetone until blue runs off, covering the smear with safranin for 30 sec, rinsing, blotting dry, and examining under oil immersion at 100X.
The Cell Envelope includes the Cytoplasm, Plasmid, Ribosome, Fimbrae, Flagella, Inclusion, Nucleoid body, With DNA, Cell wall, Cytoplasmic membrane, Capsule, Exchange Dua or involved in attachment.
Bacterial Identification involves the use of Pure Culture Techniques, Morphological Characteristics, Serological Characteristics, Biochemical Characteristics, and Molecular Characteristics.
Pure Culture Techniques in bacterial identification include Streaking, Growth on MacConkey’s agar after 24 hours, and Selective and Differential Medium.