Bacillus and Clostridium bacteria are characterized by rod-shaped morphology, endospore formation, and resistance to desiccation, high temperatures, and chemical disinfectants.
Both Bacillus and Clostridium bacteria possess oxidase, an enzyme that catalyzes the transport of electrons from donor compounds (NADH) to electron acceptors (usually oxygen).
The test reagent, N, N, N’, N’ - tetramethyl - p - phenylenediamine dihydrochloride, acts as an artificial electron acceptor for the enzyme oxidase.
The oxidized reagent forms the coloured compound indophenol blue.
Bacillus anthracis colonies are up to 5 mm in diameter, flat, dry, greyish appearance with a medusa head at the edge of the colony.
Bacillus cereus colonies are similar to Bacillus anthracis but larger with a greenish tinge and hemolysis around the colony.
Clostridial cultures typically emit putrid odors.
More than 100 species of Clostridium are not pathogenic.
Clostridium species are characterized by straight or slightly curved rods and the production of endospores.
Clostridia are peptide catabolism, their most common mode of energy production.
The size, shape, and location of the endospores can be used for species differentiation.
Endemic regions require annual vaccination with the Sterne strain, a live vaccine, which converts the spores into non-encapsulated avirulent vegetative organisms.
Non-endemic regions avoid the movement of animals, require personnel to wear PPE, use foot baths (formalin + peracetic acid), dispose of carcasses immediately, and lock all buildings and fumigate with formaldehyde.
Clostridia are saprophytes, they constitute part of the normal intestinal flora and some may be sequestered as endospores in muscle or liver.
Bacillus licheniformis colonies are dull, rough, wrinkled and strongly adherent to the agar.
Bacillus endospores are widely distributed in the environment and can survive more than 50 years.
Bacillus endospores can be found in alkaline soils, rich in Ca and N, and contaminated pastures, buried carcasses.
Bacillus endospores can be ingested, inhaled or come through the skin.
The capsule of Bacillus provides resistance to phagocytosis.
Vaccination (Toxoid) in endemic areas is a form of treatment for botulinum.
Guanidine and tetraethylamide stimulates acetylcholine release in the treatment of botulinum.
A colony of botulinum can be grown on a 72 hour blood agar plate.
BOTOX is a form of treatment for botulinum.
Botulinum can grow in different media.
Animals at risk from botulinum should be vaccinated with toxoids (A - D).
Placing feed on dry ground attracts birds from contaminated areas.
Treatment for botulinum includes recent ingestion, evacuation of the stomach and purging, and antitoxin treatment following onset of signs.
Isolation of botulinum is possible by heating samples at 65 - 80 ° C for 30 min and culturing anaerobically on Blood Agar.
Botulinum is mainly found in minks and ducks.
Polyvalent antiserum is used in the treatment of botulinum.
Serological and molecular techniques are available to support the diagnosis of botulinum.
Removal of affected waterfowl to dry land saves many birds from exposure and drowning.
Egg yolk agar shows the lipase reaction after 72 hours of incubation.
Botulinum antitoxins are used in laboratory diagnosis.
Bacillus toxins components include Protective antigen (binding moiety), oedema factor and lethal factor.
Neutrophils is the target of the oedema factor.
Macrophages, dendritic cells neutrophils and some epithelial and endothelial cells are the target of the lethal factor.
Clinical signs of Bacillus infection include fever, depression, congested mucosae and petechiae, abort.
Active immunization against Clostridium botulinum employs formalinized toxoid given twice at 1-2 month intervals and annually thereafter.