Cards (13)

  • Syntax: The study of how words and morphemes combine to form larger units such as phrases and sentences.
  • Cognitive science is a cover term for a group of disciplines that all have the same goal.
  • Competence what you know about your language.
  • Performance language that is actually produced and heard
  • Recursion refers to the fact that you can produce and understand sentences you have never heard before.
  • Observationally adequate grammar only accounts for the data in corpus.
  • A group of hypotheses that describe a language’s syntax is called a grammar.
  • The focus of syntax is the internal Language not external language
  • Explanatory adequate grammar refers to the theory that accounts for corpora native speakers judgments and how children acquire their languag
  • Generative grammar refers to a theory of linguistics in which grammar is viewed as a cognitive faculty
  • Anaphor: a word that ends in self or selves.
  • Antecedent the noun an anaphor refers to.
  • Constituent refers to a group of words that function together as a unit