Cards (99)

  • specify what each of the words in the following code are:
    <meta name="viewport">
    meta is tag
    name is attribute
    "viewport" is value
  • What would the effect be of putting 'name="viewport"' into a meta tag do
    Specify that the metadata being defined in the overall element is related to 'viewport'
  • What would the effect be of putting 'charset="UTF-8"' into a meta tag do
    Sets all text within the related element to only contain characters from UTF-8
  • What would the effect be of putting 'content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"' into a meta tag?
    It would set the viewport width to the width of the device, and set initial zoom to 100%
  • what is viewport? Perspective of webpage from device)
  • What do you use to separate attributes in html?

  • All attributes in a html tag are assigned to the tag
  • All elements in a container are assigned to the container they are specified in
  • Which attributes can't be assigned in the same meta tag?
    namehttp-equiv, charset
  • What is the first line of every html code?
  • Is code indented in HTML?
  • What is <head> in HTML code for?
    Setting the metadata for a html document
  • The content inside the <head> is not displayed on the web page itself but provides essential information for the browser.
  • how do you specify tags in HTML?
    Surround with < and >
  • When specifying a semantic field such as head what is done to all related lines of code?
    Indented by one and follow directly after initial tag specification but before tag end
  • What is the <title> tag used for?

    To specify webpage title
  • What is webpage title used for in a HTML document in the browser?
    The webpage title is used to name the tab.
  • What is a webpage title used for on a webpage for the search engine?
    To act as a keyword
  • The title tag is unique from meta and link as it must be started and ended, why must it be ended?
    It is not self closing
  • The <div> tag does what?
    groups and structures code
  • What is put within <div> tags?
  • Is <div> self-closing?

  • <span> is similar to what other tag?
  • What is the difference between <span> and <div>?
    <span> starts and ends on the same line
  • Inline content is what?
    Content held on a single line
  • the <div> tag can be remembered as it divides up a page, to help organise the page
  • What are semantic HTML element tags?
    Tags that give meaning aside from their effect on the function of a website, such as <strong>
  • Name 4 common html tag used to format text in a webpage?
  • What does <strong> do?
    Acts as a semantic tag that can be used to stylise any enclosed text
  • Does <u> underline text?
    Not always
  • Can all text act as a semantic tag for CSS?

  • How do you specify the end of a non-self-closing tag?tag is p in this case
  • Write a line of code that would specify the title of a webpage as 'TreeLock'. It is already enclosed with <head>.
    <title> TreeLock </title>
  • How do you write a self closing tag, example image, all content is represented as {content}?
    <img {content}>
  • All semantic tags aren't self-closing tags
  • Can you have @ as part of a string value in html?
  • How would you pass a character such as a copyright symbol into a string value in html?
    using enitity names
  • What do entity names look like; represent entities name with entity_name.
  • What do entity numbers look like; represent entities number with entity_num.
  • When using entity names to type symbol into a html tag you can generally use the first letter of the main syllables such as cr for copyright or lt for lesser than