Anime words

Cards (8)

  • Occult -noun
    1. supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena.
    "The occult club is trying to uncover occult activity, so it's still a proper club activity report!"
  • Fair and square - honestly and straightforwardly
    Similar: honestly, fairly, without cheating, without foul play
    "Let's settle it fair and square on the track!"
  • Demonstrate/Demonstration - to give a practical exhibition and explanation of (how something works or is performed).
    Similar: reveal, show how something is done
    "I wanted to demonstrate how serious I am by intentionally choosing something that isn't your forte-"
  • flock - a number of birds of one kind feeding, resting, or traveling together.
    Similar: group
    "Have you ever seen so many seagulls flock like that before?"
    "a flock of seagulls"
  • Etiquette - noun

    a code of polite conduct.

    SImilar: protocol, good manners

    "Your etiquette is atrocious!"
  • Delibrate -
    1. Engage in long and careful consideration; to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully.
    2. done consciously and intentionally; doing something on purpose.
    Similiar: (2) intentional, calculated, done on purpose
    "Why.... That was deliberate... why would he do that?!"
  • Solitude - noun
    the quality or state of being alone or remote from society; alone without companions.
    Similar: loneliness, isolation
    "Solitude can sap a man of his will to live..."
  • Nourish- verb
    provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition
    Similar: feed, sustain, maintain
    "How does it feel to be nourishing this nursery that I created?"