Acids, Alkalis & reactions of Acids

Cards (21)

  • to test the pH of a solution what should you use ?
    an indicator
  • what does the strongest acid have a pH of ?
  • What does the strongest alkali have a pH of ?
  • what is the pH of a neutral substance ?
  • label this diagram of the Ph scale
    A) acids
    B) neutral
    C) alkalis
  • what does the dye in the indicator do ?
    The dye in the indicator changes colour in response to changes in pH.
  • what are the 4 types of indicators ?
    • universal indicator
    • litmus paper
    • phenolpnthalein
    • methyl orange
  • what is a universal indicator ?
    a useful combination of dyes which gives the colours red to purple
  • what is litmus paper ?
    the colour of the paper will change colour depending on its acidity (red) or whether its neutral (purple) or an alkaline (blue)
  • what is phenolphthalein ?
    an indicator that will change from colourless in acidic solutions to bright pink in alkaline solutions
  • what is methyl orange ?
    an indicator that changes from red in acidic solutions to yellow in alkaline solutions
  • what is a base ?
    a substance that can neutralise an acid
  • what is an acid a source of ?
    hydrogen ions (H+)
  • what is an alkali a source of ?
    Hydroxide ions (OH-)
  • what is the general formula for salts ?
    acid + base -> salt + water
  • are sodium, potassium ad ammonium soluble or insoluble ?
  • are nitrates soluble or insoluble ?
  • are common chlorides soluble or insoluble ?
    soluble except silver chloride and lead chloride
  • are common sulfates soluble or insoluble ?
    soluble except lead, barium and calcium sulfate
  • are common carbonates soluble or insoluble ?
    insoluble except sodium, potassium and ammonium carbonates
  • are common hydroxides soluble or insoluble ?
    insoluble except sodium potassium and calcium hydroxides