It is used to determine the amount of electric power in the circuit.
Ohm’s Law
True or false: Ohm’s law applies to both DC and AC circuits.
It is the amount of current through a one-ohm resistance that has one volt of potential difference applied across it.
One ampere
It is the potential difference across a one-ohm resistance that has one ampere of current through i
One volt
It is the amount of opposition in a resistance that has a V/I ratio of 1, allowing one ampere of current with one volt applied.
One ohm
The formula which states that V and I are directly proportional for any value of R.
Ohm’s Law
In ohm’s law, increases of volts will __________ the current.
It shows how much current the resistor allows for different voltages.
Volt-ampere characteristic graph
In a volt-ampere characteristic graph, the value in y axis or ordinate is _______________.
Current values
In a volt-ampere characteristic graph, the value in x axis or abscissa is _____________.
Voltage values
In ohm’s law, voltage and current are __________.
Directly proportional
This type has a nonlinear volt-ampere characteristic
Nonlinear resistance
Whether the resistor is linear is not, the current is ________ for more resistance, with applied voltage constant.
It equals the work done in one second by one volt of potential difference in moving one coulomb of charge.
One watt of power
It is the time rate of doing work.
It is the time rate at which charges is forced to move by voltage.
Electric power
1 horse power is equal to____________
764 Watts or 550 ft lb/s
One horse power is approximately equal to ____________.
¾ kW
It is the power used during a period of time.
It is a sudden involuntary contraction of the muscles, with a feeling of pain, caused by current through the body. It can be fatal
The greatest shock hazard is from ______ that can supply appreciable amounts of power.
High-voltage circuits
The value of “let go” current for men
The value of “let go” current for women.
The greatest danger of shock is form a source having an output of ________ with enough power to maintain the load current through the body when it is connected across the applied voltage.
More than 30 V
A piece of equipment known as a power supply can provide a
variable dc output voltage to electronic circuits under test.
A red-colored jack provides connection to the positive (+) side of the dc voltage whereas a black-colored jack provides connection to the negative (-) side.
volt-ampere characteristic of R shows how much current the resistor allows for different voltages
When the voltage, V, is constant, the relationship between I and R is not linear.
If you hold a conducting wire in each hand, the resistance of the body across the conductors is about 10,000 to 50,000 ohms.