Define the terms "Bowman's capsule", "glomerulus", "proximal convoluted tubule", "loop of Henle", "distal convoluted tubule", and "collecting duct".
Bowman's capsule - cup-shaped structure that contains the glomerulus and is the site of ultrafiltration in the kidneyGlomerulus - cluster of capillaries in the Bowman's capsule where small molecules leave the blood due to ultrafiltrationProximal convoluted tubule - the first twisted section of the nephron after the Bowman's capsule where many substances are reabsorbed into the bloodLoop of Henle - a long loop of nephron that creates a steep concentration gradient across the medullaDistal convoluted tubule - the second twisted section of the nephron where the permeability of the walls varies in response to ADH levels in the bloodCollecting duct - final part of the tubule that passes through the renal medulla and the place where hypertonic urine is produced if needed. The permeability of the walls is affected by ADH and it is the main site of water balancing.