Describe the structure of the nasal cavity, the trachea, the bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli and how they are adapted for their function
Nasal Cavity:Large surface area with good blood supply warming gases to same temp as inside lungsHairy lining which secretes mucus to trap dust and bacteria and protect delicate lining of lungsMoist to increase humidity and reduce evaporation from exchange surfacesTrachea + Bronch + Large Bronchioles: Cartilage rings to stop collapsingCilia and mucus to trap dust etc. and sweep up and outSmooth muscle + elastic fibres to allow tube size to change - wider for more oxygen, smaller to reduce chance of infectionSmaller Bronchioles:Smooth muscle and elastic fibresSquamous epithelium - some gas exchange occursAlveoli:Elastic fibres - spring back when breathe out to push air depleted in oxygen outSacs - high surface areaSquamous epithelium - very thin, Moist - dissolve gases for increased diffusionGood blood supply - capillaries only one cell thick - maintain coc. grad. and short dist.