State the features of the images produced from light, SEM, TEM and laser scanning confocal microscopes
Light: Usually light background, 2D, variety of colours, details larger than 200nm only. Large organelles only (nuclei, vacuole, chloroplasts, mitochondria) Usually observing small organisms/parts of organisms/whole cellsLaser Scanning: 2D but computer can construct 3D, black background, limited colour, 200nm resolution, usually observing stained structures within cells or whole cellsTEM: Always 2D, only grayscale unless false colour, V. high mag. to look at smaller organelles (high res.) so can be grainy, Usually observing organelles within cells or whole cellsSEM: Always 3D, outside surfaces/freeze fracture, 3D of inside too! (golgi bodies etc.) Greyscale/false colour, Organelles within/surfaces of cells, pollen, insects etc.