Cards (42)

  • State
    largest political unit, formal for country
    • defined boundary
    • permanent population
    • sovereignty over domestic and international affairs
    • recognized by other states
    Maryland is not a state
    • not recognized by other states
    • does not have sovereignty for international affairs
  • Sovereignty
    (self ruled) you are making the rules by yourself
    • control over domestic and international affairs
  • Nation
    • common culture heritage
    • unifying beliefs and values
    • claim a traditional homeland
    • desire to establish a state
    state = germany
    nation = germans
  • Nation-State
    • A singular nation of people who occupy a state
    • Examples include:
    • Japan- 99% of the population is Japanese
    • Iceland- 94% of the population is Icelandic
    • In order to be considered a nation state: 90% of nation needs to be same nation
    • A nation state isn't as common because of MIGRATION and GLOBALIZATION
    • A singular nation of people who occupy a state
    • Ex:
    • iceland
    • japan
  • Multinational State
    • A State that contains more than one nation
    • Typically have a dominant nation with most political control
    (More than one nation)
    • Canada
    • Malaysia
  • Autonomous Regiona defined are within a state with a degree autonomy
    • high degree of freedom and self governance
    • region in a state
    • run own government
    • own region instead of a state
    • limited input and interaction
    Nation of people who has a high degree of sovereignty
    Autonomy over governmental affairs
    • Scotland
    • United Kingdom
    • Aland in Finland
  • Stateless Nation
    nations of people with no independent political autonomy
    • a nation that has a history of self determination
    • is not a recognized state
    Nation of people who do not have a formal state
    • people identify in nationality
    • they DON'T have a desire to be a state
    • no control over political boundaries
    • significant dialect differences
    • no sovereignty
    • not given opportunity to become own state/ autonomous region
    • no recognition from other states
    Hong Kong
  • Multi state nationA nation that has a state of its own but stretches across borders
    • people in a nation living out side the borders
    • cultural identity is present in multiple states
  • Multi state nationA nation that has a state of its own but stretches across borders
    • people in a nation living out side the borders
    • cultural identity is present in multiple states
    Hungary- Many hungarians live outside of hungary
  • centripetal forces
    Unifying forces that are pulling together
    • Common political beliefs
    External war pulling other countries apart, unified the country to fight against threat
    9/11 strongest things happening bring people together
    Centripetal forces brought the country together: usually patriotic forces
  • Nationalism
    Desire to create and maintain a state
    {Allegiance to a nation of nation state and holds that such obligations outweigh other individuals or groups in trusts}
  • Centrifugal forces
    Factors that break countries apart
    • anything can be a force depending on society uses it
    Uniting the people
    Civil war: internal war- broke country
  • Imperialism
    A general term for influence over another country or group
    • Conquest
    • Economic Control
    • Cultural Dominance
  • Colonialism Type of imperialism where people move into and settle in the land of another country
    • settling to exert political, social, and economic control
  • Early Colonialism:
    religion{god}, money{gold}, monacharcy{glory}religious influences by spreading their form of christianity economic wealth from exploiting land, labor and capital to enrich the home country
    • Religious influence by spreading their form of christianity
    • economic wealth from exploiting land, labor and capital to enrich the home country
    • political power by expanding their influences throughout the world
    • spain, portugal, britain, and france
    • focused on the americas
  • Late Colonialism
    • Britain France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany Italy
    Focused on Africa and the Middle East Why? Competition to claim resources because all of Spanish and Portuguese Colonies
    Allowed European countries for a second wave of colonialization
    Defined by the Berlin Conference-- ENded by UN in 1945
  • Berlin/Congo Conference, 1884
    when Britain, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy were forming of state boundaries in africa
    allowing for the extraction of resources
    Created LOTS of political conflicts with the dozens of ethnic groups
    the straight lines show- the people that live there did NOT decide where the lines will go
  • Decolonization
    through the early 1900's many colonists resisted european influence after creation of un in 1945 full of independence [the process of state leaving former colony and leaving the state for independence]large substantial powers indirectly controlling the colonies most of the world is politically independent but not economically
    the process by which a colony becomes independent of the colonizing country
  • Neocolonialism
    control over developing countries through indirect means
    exerting economic and political influence countries in a process known as neocolonialism
    use of political cultural of economic power to influence or control other countries
  • Genocide organized killing targeting people of a certain ethnic group why?
    • decolonization left manty new states weak
    • exploited for economic purposes
    • multiple nations complete for power
    • civil war breaks out
    • leads to genocide
    • Ex:
    • African ethnic conflicts because of the Berlin Conference
    • Rwandan Civil War
    • between Hutu's and tutsi
    • over a million people killed
    • led to mass genocide
  • Cold War: no direct army conflict
    Period of political rivalry between US and the USSR
    cold no direct army conflict, but deadliest war
    from 1945-1991 Post WW2
    • fought through proxy wars in the 3rd world
    • Proxy wars: america persuades for capitalists gives guns fights, soviet union become a communist country
    • frontline in eastern europe
    • USSR satellite states sought independence
    • many countries lost nationality and became a part of the soviet union
    • fall of USSR left many states in turmoil
    • EX: yogo slavia had many states which split up because different nationalities
  • Satellite State
    Starting during the cold war
    USSR- sought independence- country formally independent in the world but under heavy, political, economic and military influence from another country
  • Ethnic Cleansing
    forced removal of an ethnic group from a territory
    break the satellite states over the soviet union fell
    ethnic cleansing is the step before genocide
  • Natural Boundary
    boundaries based on physical features
    river : = halfs
    l : l
    l : l
    l : l
    l : l
    l : l
    l : l
    l : l
  • Geometric boundaries
    straight line boundaries drawn regardlessly of physical features
    clearly man made therefore straight line
    can tell an outside influence based on natural or geometric boundary
  • Geopolitics
    study of effect of geography on politics
    • trade
    • resource management
    • environment
  • Territoriality
    willingness of a people to defend a space they claim
    people express their territoriality when they influence others or shape events by asserting control over a space
    Local scales: towns and cities lay claim to municipal districts
    National Scales: states administer and defend theirs boundaries, (those that lie adjacent to neighboring countries)
  • Choke Points places of physical congestion between wider regions of movement and interaction
    Water based choke points are most significant
    Panama Canal
    Strait of Gibraltar
    Cape of Good Hope
    Bosporus Strait
    Suez Canal
    Bab el Moheb(Red Sea)
    Strait of Hormoz
    Strait of Malacca(South China Sea)
  • Defined Boundary
    established by a legal document like a treaty
  • Delimited boundaries
    a line drawn on a map to show the limits of space typically based on a defined boundary
  • Demarcated boundary
    identified by physical object placed on the landscape like signs or feces
    on the land the built environment reflects the landscape
    "welcome to maryland" on the side of the road
  • Definitional/ Positional Boundary
    a type of boundary dispute: defining a boundary or the way it is shown on the ground
    Inaccurate maps of the Andes have created a dispute over the border between argentina and chile
    (Problems with using mountain ranges)
  • Locationalism/ Territorial Boundary
    a type of a boundary dispute:
    conflicts between states or regions over the ownership of a given area
    Dispute over the ownership of rhineland led to conflict between Germany and France
  • Operational/Functional Boundary
    a type of boundary dispute:
    conflicts over the national policies applied at a border
    fights how the border operates
    things can flow through that boundary
    • Us --> Mexico boundary
    • North and SOuth Korea
    • Visa requirement at the US - Canada border after 9/11
  • Allocational/ Resource boundary
    conflicts over the use of resources created or complicated by a boundary
    (oil taking from opposite)
    Iraq- Kuwait conflict over access top the Rumaila oil field
  • Irredentism
    when a state seeks to annex territory because parts of its population lives there
    Examples- Germans in WWII claiming polish territory because ethnically German people lived on the Polish side
    Germany= Germans
    Poland= Germans as well
  • Antecedent Boundary
    a boundary drawn before a large population was present
    least common
    boundary drawn --> then people move in
    • unless no human population
    • not possible nowadays
    boundary between the united states and canada along the 49th parallel
    • lewis
    • clark
  • Subsequent/ ethnographic boundary
    a boundary drawn to accommodate religious, ethnic, linguistic, or economic differences not a lot of conflict that happens
    Africa(with the berlin conference)- is NOT a Subsequent/ ethnographic boundary
    the boundary between northern ireland( part of the united kingdom) and the republic of ireland
  • Relic boundary
    a boundary that no longer exists but evidence of it still exists on the landscape
    the boundary between east and west germany and Berlin (states that are now combined)
    East and West have visible differences(architecture)
  • super imposed boundary
    a boundary drawn by outside powers
    • geometric
    • problematic
    not being drawn by people living there
    ex: berlin conference
    the boundary between mali and mauritania
    (very common throughout asia and southwest asia)