Data analysis: Kinds of data

Cards (12)

  • Qualitative data
    Expressed in words and may take the form of a written description of the thoughts, feelings and opinions of ppts
  • Strengths of qualitative data
    Offers much more richness and much broader scope giving ppts more licence to develop their thoughts,feelings and opinions on a given subject. Has greater external validity
  • Weaknesses of qualitative data
    difficult to analyse and to compare people or groups. Conclusions often rely on subjective interpretations of the researcher and these may be subject to bias
  • Quantitative data
    Expressed numerically. Data open to be analysed statistically and can be easily converted into graphs/charts
  • Strengths to quantitative data
    Simple to analyse and thus, comparisons between groups can be easily drawn. Data in numerical form tends to be more objective and less open to bias
  • Weaknesses to quantitative data
    Much narrower in scope and meaning than qualitative data. May fail to represent 'real-life' - lack of ecological validity
  • Primary data
    Refers to original data that has been collected specifically for the purpose of the investigation by the researcher: firsthand data
  • Strength to primary data
    Fits the job - study designed to extract only the data needed and information is directly relevant to research aims
  • Weakness to primary data
    requires time and effort and conducting an exp takes planning, preparation and resources
  • Secondary data
    Data collected by someone other than the person conducting the research
  • Strengths to secondary data
    Inexpensive and easily accessed requiring minimal effort. Researcher can find the desired information and there is no need to conduct primary data collection
  • Weaknesses to secondary data
    Substantial variation in the quality and accuracy of secondary data. Information could be incomplete/outdated and content of data may not apply to researcher's needs