Water is liquid at normal temperatures, while other small molecules, like CO2 and O2, are gas.
Hydrogen bonding is the weak electrostatic intermolecular force between a partially positive hydrogen that is bonded to a partially negative oxygen and other polar molecules nearby.
Partially positive regions in water like Hydrogen are represented with δ+ and partially positive negative regions in water like Oxygen are represented with δ-.
Water is an effective solvent because of its polarity and can form electrostatic interactions with other polar molecules and ions, acting as a transport medium and reagent for metabolic and other reactions in plant and animal cells.
Water has high surface tension and cohesion due to hydrogen bonds, providing stable aquatic habitats.
Water has high specific heat capacity due to its hydrogen bonds, maintaining the temperature within organisms constant compared to external temperature, and water bodies have a slow change in temperature, providing stable aquatic habitats.
Water has a high latent heat of vaporisation due to its high specific heat capacity, needing a significant amount of heat energy to vaporise, cooling the surrounding environment.
Ice is less dense than water and floats on it, insulating water and preventing it from freezing, preserving aquatic life underneath it.
Changes in the density of water with temperature cause currents, which helps to maintain the circulation of nutrients in the oceans.
Monosaccharides are made up of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen and have the general formula C n (H 2 O) n where n represents the number of carbon atoms.
Monosaccharides are sweet, soluble in water, have an osmotic effect, are crystalline in nature, and examples include α-glucose, Fructose, Galactose.
In CVS, a culture of cells is required for 2-3 weeks.
Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS) is performed at 10-12 weeks, a small sample of tissue is taken from the placenta then cells are checked for genetic abnormalities.
Amniocentesis is performed at 15-17 weeks, a sample of amniotic fluid is taken and cells are checked for any genetic abnormalities.
Parents are able to know whether they are carriers or not through Prenatal Screening, allowing them to make informed decisions about having children.
In Prenatal Screening, a culture of cells is not needed due to the large sample size.
Comparing the Chi-squared ( χ ²) value to the Critical value is important to determine whether there is a significant change or not.
Parents can make an informed decision about abortion of an embryo carrying a genetic disease through Prenatal Screening.
The Chi-squared test is used to support or reject the null hypothesis.
The formula for the Chi-squared ( χ ²) value is: (O-E)²/E, where O stands for observed result and E stands for expected result.
In Amniocentesis, a culture of cells is required for 2-3 weeks.
Prenatal Screening involves testing the embryo and the fetus.
False positives or negatives could result in decisions being made based on wrong information, such as loss of a healthy life or fear of social stigma.
Chi-Squared ( χ ²) Tests are statistical tests used to compare the observed results to the expected results to see if there is a significant change.
The critical value is the probability that the difference between observed and expected results are due to chance, and is only looked at 0.05 (5%) probability.
If the chi-squared value is smaller than the critical value, then there is no significant change between the results, therefore the null hypothesis is supported.
If the chi-squared value is greater than the critical value, then there is a significant change between the results, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.
Disaccharides form when two monosaccharides join in a condensation reaction, with the bond formed between the two monosaccharides called a glycosidic bond.
Disaccharides can also be broken down in a hydrolysis reaction, with a water molecule reintroduced into a glycosidic bond which breaks it.
Multifactorial diseases: A disease caused by interactions of multiple factors.
Causation: When a change in 1 variable is responsible for a change in another variable.
Reduced blood flow causes decreased oxygen supply to tissues, resulting in anaerobic respiration.
Con icting Evidence: The graph shows death rates from coronary heart disease (CHD) in men from 1970 to 1995 in 4 countries.
Actual risk: Factors increasing the probability of getting a disease.
The damage to the endothelium lining causes an inflammatory response.
Atherosclerosis is caused by a series of events: Endothelium lining is damaged due to several reasons like high blood pressure and smoking.
Non-lifestyle factors: Genetic Factors: when there is a trend in the family to develop CVD.
Plaque causes the narrowing of the lumen, which restricts blood flow.
Coronary thrombosis: Platelets could stick to a damaged artery wall, causing it to release Thromboplastin, which starts a cascade of reaction, forming a blood clot.