Cards (9)

  • Clemenceau agreed with Wilson's aims for a fair and lasting peace . However, privately he found it difficult to deal with Wilson and found his ideas a bit too idealistic. He joked directed to the 14 points that even God only laid out 10 commandments.
  • His ministers and him wanted to crush Germany so that it wouldn't be able to attack France ever again. Clemenceau had witnessed the German's invading twice in his lifetime . Once in 1870 and once in 1914.
  • France had suffered enormous damage to it's land, industry, people and it's self confidence . Over 2/3 French men who had served in the army had died or had suffered injuries.
  • Germany seemed much more powerful and dangerous than France . Germany had not suffered as much as France. French was in decline at 45 million whereas Germany had a population of 75 million.
  • The French people wanted Germany to be broken down in smaller parts so that it won't be able attack France again . But Clemenceau knew that Lloyd George and Wilson won't agree.
  • Clemenceau clashed with Wilson . The USA had not suffered as much as France so he resented Wilson for letting Germany get away easily.
  • Clemenceau clashed with Lloyd George over that he believed that Germany had been leniently treated . Clemenceau called Lloyd George selfish because L.G. wanted to trade with Germany . France believed that it was much more under threat than any other country.
  • Clemenceau wanted Germany to have no navy . It would mean that Germany could never challenge Britain on the seas again .
  • He wanted Germany to pay reparations ( money ) for all the damage caused during WW1 . This would make sure that Germany couldn't afford another war .