A03: The Idiographic and Nomothetic Approaches

Cards (5)

  • Evaluation:
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    P: Case studies, esp in area of memory show how idiographic approach can be used to complement nomothetic approach rather than contradict it
    E.G, Clive Wearing example of idiographic research as he was unique & studied in depth & findings from his case allowed further understanding of structure of LTM & its features 
    Nomothetic research like Bahrick’s led to development of idea that for most people LTM has infinite duration but ageing may impact retrieval. 
    L: This combination approach to research allows deeper level of understanding & real cases can help to validate or challenge theory
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    P: But, problems arise when idiographic approach is the only approach adopted in the validation of a theory
    E: A prime example of this is Freud’s work on “Little Hans”. From this case study Freud developed a number of concepts integral to his Psychodynamic theory
    E: For example, he deduced that Little Hans’ fear of his father was due to the sexual attraction and love he felt for his mother i.e. the Oedipus Complex
    L: The isolated nature of this case study and the subjective interpretations made by Freud mean there is a much greater scope for bias when using the idiographic approach.
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    P: Conversely, nomothetic approach allows for more scientific rigour in its methods increasing credibility of theories which adopt it
    Research tends be carried out using standardised conditions, using stat tests, group averages & in well controlled env.
    E.G IQ testing adopts nomothetic approach & research led to well established norms like the average IQ is 100 - an accepted value which transcend race, gender or class.
    L: Research based on such empirical methods tend be more accepted amongst scientific community & general public, improving reputation of psy since earlier days of Freud
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    P: But, there a lot to be said for understanding the individuals thoughts, motivations & behaviours when studying the discipline of psychology
    E: E.G: understanding that sz affects 1% of population not that useful when trying gain insight into life with sz or even to help understand causes
    E: This is esp true in research conducted on memory where the pps is rarely treated as an individual with their own set of experiences but simply a score from a test
    L: Meaning fundamentally important experiences and environmental differences are ignored in the quest to find statistical averages.