W2: option valuation

Cards (9)

  • binomial option pricing model - pricing options based on the assumption that the stock's return can only take on 2 values
  • risk-neutral valuation:
    • ρ - probability that stock price increases
    • (1 - ρ) - probability that stock price decreases
  • binomial option pricing model:
    • Δ - number of stocks to purchase
    • β - initial investment in bonds
  • Black-Scholes option pricing model - technique for pricing european style options when the stock can be traded continuously
  • the Black-Scholes model shortens the time period so that there are only 2 possible share price movements because it's unrealistic to have only 2 movements over the long-term
  • replicating portfolio of call option:
    • stock - long position
    • bond - short position
  • option delta (Δ) - change in price of the option given a $1 change in stock price
  • assumptions of risk-neutral valuation:
    • market participants are risk neutral
    • financial assets have same cost of capitalrisk-free rate
  • binomial option pricing model:
    law of one price states that today's price of the call option must equal the current value of the replicating portfolio