4. alkenes

Cards (19)

  • alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons (contain one or more double bond) produced in large quantities when crude oil thermally cracked
  • ethene is the starting material for large range of products including: polyethene , PVC , polystyrene
  • ethene has a trigonal planar shape with bond angle 120
  • C=C double covalent bond consists of one sigma (σ) bond and one pi (π) bond.
  • π bonds are exposed and have high electron density = vulnerable to attack by species which ‘like’ electrons called electrophiles.
  • pi bonds presence means bond cannot rotate - restricted rotation
    • p orbitals of two carbon atoms overlap with each other, a π bond is formed ( contains two electrons)
    • The two orbitals that form the π bond lie above and below the plane of the two carbon atoms to maximise bond overlap
  • isomers that involve the double bond:
    • positional isomers (double bond moves)
    • geometrical isomers (e-z stereoisomers)
  • geometrical isomerism is a form of stereoisomerisms - same structural formula but bonds arranged differently in space, ONLY occurs around the c=c
  • physical properties similar to alkanes as double bond doesn't greatly effect physical properties
    • only van der waals forces between alkene molecules
    • mp and bp increase with number carbon atoms
    • insoluble in water
  • double bond means alkenes are more reactive than alkanes because c=c electron rich area that can be attacked by positively charged reagents - "electrophiles"
  • most reactions of alkenes are called electrophilic additions
  • ‘Markownikoff’s Rule’ In most cases, hydrogen will be added to the carbon with the most hydrogens already attached to it.
  • addition polymers are made from a monomer with carbon carbon double bond - when the monomer polymerises the double bond opens and the monomers bond together to form a backbone of carbon atoms
  • addition polymers:
    A) poly(propene)
    B) n
  • properties of poly(alkenes)
    • very unreactive = strong non-polar C-C and C-H bonds
    useful to have but it does mean they are not attacked by enzymes so not BIODEGRADABLE
    • Low density poly(ethene)
    • polymerising ethene at high temp and high pressures via free radical mechanism
    polymer with branched chain so is very flexible and used as plastic bags or electrical cables

    • High density poly(ethene)
    • polymerising ethene at temps and pressures a little greater than room temp using Zeigler-Natta catalyst
    chains pack together well so very dense used in milk crates and buckets
  • polymers can be tailored to make them suitable for many applications:
    • Plasticisers are small molecules that get in between polymer chains to allow them to slide more easily past one another and make polymer more flexible
    • = PVC made rigid enough drain pipes and flexible enough for plastic aprons
  • State what you would observe if bromine water was added to poly(chloroethene). Explain this observation.
    • no reaction/ stay orange
    • polymer is saturated so doesn't contain any double bonds