Capitalism is an economic and political system where trade and other sectors of the economy such as manufacturing are run by private companies for profit.
Colonialism is the act of getting control over another country, this involves occupying their land and results in exploitation of people and the country’s resources.
Non-Government Organisation (NGO) is a company or organisation that operates separate from the government, but doesn’t aim to make a profit (e.g charities, universities).
Development is the idea of what 21st Century life should consist of, including essentials like access to clean water and electricity, and access to services and opportunities.
Economic indicators include GNI per capita, which is the total amount of money earned by people and businesses within a country, divided by the population to find an average earning per person.
Poverty Line is the number of people earning less than $1.90 per day, with 0.2% of the population in the UK earning less than $1.90 per day, compared to over 70% of the population in Zimbabwe, South Sudan and Madagascar earning less than $1.90 per day.
Social indicators include Life Expectancy, which is an estimate of how long a person will live, made when they’re born, based on predicted advances, current services and the risk of diseases.
Infant Mortality Rate is a quality of healthcare and attitudes towards children, as infants are some of the most vulnerable people of society, more likely to catch disease and infection or suffer from malnutrition.
Environmental Indicators include Pollution Levels, which show how wasteful a country is and whether a country has developed its technology to become more efficient and less polluting.
Historically Disadvantaged Countries are those that have been ruled in the past by another country and have smaller economies than the ruling country due to the British Empire.