Background Radiation: Radiation that is found in small quantities all around us and originates from natural sources such as rocks and cosmic rays, as well as from man-made sources such as nuclear weapons testing and accidents.
Chain Reaction: The process of neutrons released by a fission reaction, being absorbed by another unstable, large nuclei, and inducing further fission.
Electrons can transition to a higher energy level through the absorption of electromagnetic radiation and can transition to a lower energy level through the emission of electromagnetic radiation.
Electrons lie at different distances from the nucleus (different energy levels) and the electron arrangements may change with the interaction with EM radiation.
Half-Life: The time it takes for the number of unstable nuclei of an isotope in a sample to halve, or the time it takes for the initial count rate of a sample of the isotope to halve.
Fusion would be a much more efficient way of producing energy compared to fission however no design has been produced that could accomplish positive net energy on earth.