2.1 Specialisation and Trdae

Cards (5)

  • Specialisation
    The production of a limited range of goods by a company/country/individual so they aren't self-sufficient and have to trade with others
  • Division of labour
    When labour becomes specialised during the production process so workers carry out a specific task in cooperation with other workers
  • Advantages of specialisation and division of labour
    1. Quicker production process
    2. Able to produce more goods and services
    3. Lower average cost of production
  • Disadvantages of specialisation and division of labour
    1. Can be demotivating doing one small task
    2. A single worker missing or machinery malfunction can stop the whole production line
    3. Barriers to entry for smaller firms that can't afford the investment.
  • Judgement points for how specialisation and division of labour helps address the problem of scarcity:
    > Adoption of specialised production and the trading
    of the consequent surplus has been a significant
    breakthrough when it comes to answering the
    question, “ How to produce?”