Cards (4)

  • Rig Veda — or “knowledge of the Verses”, used in rituals, and were finally written down after they were transmitted orally for generations, consists of 1,028 hymn containing praises to gods, as well as songs and prayers associating divine deities with natural forces.
  • Yajur Veda — or “knowledge of the Sacrifice” contains instructions on how to conduct Hindu rituals. These rituals often involve performing sacrifices, and Hindu priests use this in leading the ceremonies.
  • Sama Veda - or ”knowledge of Song” contains verses which are mostly from the Rig Veda. The Sama Veda teaches the manner in which chants must be performed in sacrificial rites. This is important for Hindus, as they believe that reciting prayers and chanting a sacred text aloud is the best way for its word to be instilled in their minds.
  • Atharva Veda — or “knowledge of the Fire Priest” is a later addition to the Vedas. It contains spells and incantations for healing different illnesses and casting away evil spirits.