
Cards (7)

  • Representative democracy:
    * a form of democracy in which voters elects representatives to make political decisions on their behalf.
    • representatives are then held accountable to the public in regular elections.
  • First past the post - MP needs highest amount of vote within the constituency.
  • Party (mandates) representation:
    • 99% of MPs belong to a party or have a mandate vote.
    • Have to follow policies of your party.
    • Representatives vote according to the 'party line', supporting or opposing as your party suggests.
  • Delegate representation:
    Representative votes according to the wishes or direction of his or her constitutents.
  • 'Burkean' representation
    "your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgement and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion"
    • Based off of Edmund Burke
  • for:
    • its a lot easier and quicker to do
    • the MP elected to represent is a lot better educated then certain members of the public
  • against:
    • public may not feel listened to as they aren't directly involved
    • May not have wanted/ not feel comfortable with that MP representing them