Munich Putsch

Cards (16)

  • In 1923 Germany was suffering terribly from Hyperinflation.
  • The Nazi Party was fed up of the Weimar Government and wanted to take control of the country through force.
  • They were going to start this by taking control of Munich.
  • The Munich Putsch or Beer Hall Putsch is the name of the event where the Nazis attempted to take control of Munich.
  • The Nazis had 50,000 members in 1923.
  • They wanted Hitler to take action.
  • Hitler also had the support of the war hero General Ludendorff.
  • There was a meeting in a busy Munich Beer Hall with the three most powerful men in the region.
  • The Nazis arrived at the meeting with guns.
  • At first, the three men agreed to support Hitler.
  • Hitler was called away to deal with a problem elsewhere in Munich, and Ludendorff allowed the three leaders to leave.
  • The three leaders went back on their word to Hitler and alerted the police and army.
  • There was a short fight between the Nazis and the army.
  • Hitler was arrested during the Munich Putsch.
  • The Munich Putsch had failed.
  • Many people thought the Nazis were finished after the Munich Putsch.