Nazi secure power in Germany

Cards (15)

  • The Nazis were gaining more votes.
  • Hitler became the leader of Germany, known as the Chancellor.
  • On 27th February, one week before an election, the Reichstag building caught fire.
  • Hitler immediately blamed the communists for starting the fire.
  • A communist was arrested and executed for starting the Reichstag fire.
  • A law, known as the Reichstag Fire Law, was passed to give Hitler more powers over Germany.
  • 4000 communists were arrested in the aftermath of the Reichstag Fire Law.
  • Newspapers could be censored under the Reichstag Fire Law.
  • Meetings of political groups were limited under the Reichstag Fire Law.
  • Letters and phone calls could be checked under the Reichstag Fire Law.
  • Hitler said the Reichstag Fire Law was necessary to keep Germany safe but he now had a huge amount of power.
  • The Enabling Act, passed in March 1933, gave Hitler the freedom to pass laws without checking with anyone else.
  • The Enabling Act made Hitler the dictator of the country and he had complete control.
  • The Knights of Long Knives was an event where the SS (black shirts) arrested and executed Ernst Rohm who was the leader of the SA (brown shirts).
  • The Knights of Long Knives also arrested hundreds of brown shirts and executed other people who had angered Hitler.