How Jews where persecuted

Cards (11)

  • When the Nazis came to power in 1933, they started making life very difficult for Jewish people.
  • The Nazis encouraged people to boycott Jewish shops and businesses.
  • Jewish people were sacked from many jobs such as teachers, lawyers, doctors.
  • The Nuremburg laws aimed to keep Jews and non-Jews separate.
  • It became against the laws for a Jew to marry a non-Jewish person.
  • Many Jews fled Germany for countries like the USA.
  • Many Jewish people had their businesses taken from them by the Nazis.
  • On Kristallnacht (the night of broken glass), the Nazi Government encouraged people to smash up Jewish shops and set fire to synagogues.
  • Many Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps.
  • Concentration camps were not death camps before the war.
  • You cannot mention the Holocaust or the gas chambines in your answers to how the Jews were treated.