Nazi control

Cards (17)

  • The Nazis kept control through the carrot and the stick.
  • The Nazis controlled people through rewards and punishments.
  • The Nazis used spies and the Gestapo (secret police) to keep an eye on people.
  • The Nazis used torture to maintain Nazi control of the country.
  • Many people who were considered to be against the Nazis were sent to concentration camps.
  • The measures taken by the Nazis kept people scared about speaking out against Hitler and the Nazis.
  • The SS were totally loyal bodyguards of Hitler who controlled security and police forces.
  • The Nazis helped to improve Germany's economy and managed to significantly reduce the number of unemployed people.
  • The Nazis started a scheme for people to be able to buy affordable cars, but no one actually got these cars.
  • Young people were kept in work building autobahns (motorways).
  • Workers were given one extra day's holiday a year.
  • Trade unions were banned under the Nazis.
  • Workers could only move jobs if they were given permission by the Nazi Party.
  • Strength through Joy (Kdf) was a Nazi organisation that rewarded some workers with holidays abroad and organised day trips, concerts and plays.
  • The Beauty of Work (SdA) was a Nazi organisation that made workplaces better by keeping them cleaner and putting new canteens into factories.
  • The Beauty of Work (SdA) was a Nazi organisation that made workplaces better by keeping them cleaner and putting new canteens into factories.
  • Strength through Joy (Kdf) was a Nazi organisation that rewarded some workers with holidays abroad and organised day trips, concerts and plays.