Opposition to the Nazis

Cards (22)

  • Going against the Nazis was very difficult once they were in power.
  • Political resistance had been smashed.
  • Many communists had been rounded up and arrested.
  • People were scared to speak out against the Nazis in case they were arrested or worse.
  • There were several groups of young people who did go against the Nazis.
  • Spies and informers were everywhere.
  • Resistance against the Nazis was seen by many to be unpatriotic.
  • The Edelweis Pirates
  • They angered the Nazis by listening to Jazz music which was from America.
  • Many people who did oppose the Nazis were executed.
  • The Church
  • The Nazis were very worried that the church could be a source of resistance to them.
  • It was difficult for protestant groups to go against the Nazis as there were 28 different protestant groups
  • Mein Kampf replaced the bible.
  • The Nazis tried to set up their own brand of religion.
  • The Swastika replaced the cross
  • This made it hard for them to work together
  • The Catholic Church was seen as being very powerful by the Nazis as it was a ‘World Church’
  • Many protestant ministers did hate the Nazis and what they were doing.
  • The Nazis signed an agreement with the Catholic Church called the concordat
  • In reality many Catholic priests spoke out against the Nazis.
  • This was meant to ensure that the Nazis left the Catholic Church alone and the Catholic Church would not criticise the Nazis