descriptive statistics

Cards (17)

  • what are 'Descriptive statics '?
    Express numbers in a way that gives an immediate impression of the overall pattern of results  
  • what does it mean by 'Measures of dispersion'?
    How spread out the data is  
    • e.g., range, standard deviation  
  • what does it mean by 'Measure of central tendency  '?
    Typical value of data  
    • e.g., mean, medium, mode 
  • what are Graphs and tables used for?
    Visual summary  
  • what is Standard deviation ?
    How far each score is from the mean, on average  
  • Low standard deviation?
    Data is not very spread out and scores are close to the mean 
  • High standard deviation?
    Data is very spread out and scores are far from the mean 
  • what are the strengths of standard deviation?
    • More precise than range  
    • Includes all scores  
  • what are the weaknesses of standard deviation?
    It can greatly by extreme score  
  • a strength of the mean?
    Includes all scores so represents all data  
  • what is the limitation of the mean?
    Easily distorted by extreme scores which makes it unrepresentative of entire data  
  • a strength of the mode?
    Easy and simple to calculate  
  • a limitation of the mode?
    Can be quite unrepresentative of the data  
  • a strength of the range?
    Easy and simple to calculate  
  • a limitation of the range?
    Can be affected greatly by extreme scores  
  • a strength of median?
    Isn't affected as much by extreme scores  
  • a limitation of the median?
    Doesn’t include all scores in the final calculation so it isn’t representative of the whole data