History of Life on Earth

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  • Relative Dating is a type of dating method that estimates whether an object is younger or older than other things found at the site. It does not offer specific dates, it simply allows to determine if one artifact, fossil, or stratigraphic layer is older than another.
  • Absolute Dating is a type of dating method that offers specific dates about something. It uses scientific methods such as radiocarbon dating, dendrochronology (tree rings), etc.
  • Radiocarbon Dating is a technique used by archaeologists to date organic remains up to around 50,000 years old. The method involves measuring the amount of carbon-14 left in a sample. Carbon-14 decays over time into nitrogen-14 so the more carbon-14 there is, the less time has passed since the organism died.
  • The Geologic Time Scale is calendar for events in Earth history
  • Hadean Eon is the first Eon in the history, it is dated at 4.4 billion years with evidence that liquid water was present. It is named after the Greek God and ruler of underworld (Hades)
  • Archean Eon is the second eon where there was no oxygen gas on Earth and Oxygen was only in compounds such as water
  • Proterozoic Eon is the third eon which marked the first appearance of algae, invertebrates, eukaryotic cells, and blue-green (Cyanobacteria)
  • Phanerozoic Eon is the last and current eon, it is divided into three Era: Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic
  • Paleozoic Era is also known as the "old life" it is the first Era of the Phanerozoic Eon and it is subdivided into 6 periods: Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian Period
  • Mesozoic Era is also known as the "Age of Reptiles", it is the second era of the Phanerozoic Eon and it is subdivided into 3 periods: Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous period.
  • Cambrian Period is the period of the Paleozoic Era wherein many kinds of invertebrates and the first vertebrates occured and the first fish appeared: AGNATHANS (jawless fishes)
  • Cambrian Explosion is a phenomenon in which major animal groups start to appear, rapid expansion of different life forms on Earth.
  • Ordovician Period is the period of the Paleozoic Era wherein fungi, plants, and animals colonizes the land
  • Silurian Period is a period of the Paleozoic Era in which First vascular plants appeared
  • Devonian Period is the period of Paleozoic Era wherein bony fishes diversified, insect and first amphibians appeared
  • Carboniferous Period is a period of the Paleozoic Era wherein first seed plants occured, it is the origin of reptiles and amphibians dominate
  • Permian Period is the period of Paleozoic Era wherein Reptiles diversify, major extinction of marine organism (96%)
  • Triassic Period is the period of Mesozoic Era wherein dinosaurs evolved, and gymnosperms dominates
  • Jurassic Period is the period of Mesozoic Era wherein dinosaur and gymnosperms dominates
  • Cretaceous Period is the period of Mesozoic Era wherein angiosperm diversify, and dinosaurs went extinct
  • Cenozoic Era is also known as the Age of Mammals and is subdivided into three periods: Paleogene, Neogene, and Quaternary Period
  • Paleocene Epoch is an epoch of the Paleogene Period wherein Mammals, insects, birds diversify
  • Eocene Epoch is an epoch of the Paleogene Period wherein Angiosperms dominate
  • Oligocene Epoch is an epoch of the Paleogene Period and it is the origin of primates
  • Paleogene Period is a period of the Cenozoic Era which is subdivided into three: Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene Epoch
  • Neogene Period is a period of the Cenozoic Era which is subdivided into two: Miocene and Pliocene Epoch
  • Miocene Epoch is an epoch of the Neogene Period wherein mammals and angiosperms continue to diversify
  • Pliocene Epoch is an epoch of the Neogene Period wherein the bipedal human ancestor appear (Ardipithecus ramidus)
  • Quaternary Period is a period of the Cenozoic Era which is subdivided into two: Pleistocene and Holocene Epoch
  • Pleistocene Epoch is the epoch of the Quaternary Period which is the ice age and origin of homo
  • Holocene Epoch is the epoch of the Quaternary Period which is the end of ice age and the current time we are living
  • Ediacara Fauna is the first oxygen-dependent animal
  • PURGATORIUS dates back as far as 65 mya which likely emerged by the Late Cretaceous and lived alongside large dinosaurs.
  • Amphibians are animals which live in water and in land
  • Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone
  • Invertebrates are animals that doesn't have a backbone
  • Mammals are warm blooded, hairy or furry, give birth to young ones, feed their babies with milk from mammary glands
  • Reptiles are cold blooded, lay eggs, scaly skin, some can fly (birds)
  • Primates are animals which have a high degree of intelligence and the closest relative of humans
  • Angiosperms are flowering plants that produces seeds from fruits