Material deprivation

Cards (15)

  • 2019 FSM: 51% gained average of 4 compared to 77% of all other pupils
  • 90% of failing schools are located in deprived areas
  • Howard 2001: young people from WC homes have a worse diet resulting in a higher likelihood of illness and therefore abscenses from school
  • Wilkinson 2006: the lower the class the higher the hyperactivity
  • Blanden and Machin 2007: children from low income families more likely to engage in externalising behaviour
  • Bull 1980: 'the costs of free schooling'
  • Tanner ET AL: WC children stigmatized and bullied due to cost of equipment issues etc
  • 20% of eligible FSM don't receive it (according to Flaherty due to fear of stigmatisation
  • Education Maintenance allowances (EMAs) abolished 2011
  • Callender and Jackson 2005: WC kids more debt averse so less likely to go to uni
  • UCAS 2012: when fees rose to 9000 UK applicants fell by 8.6%
  • Hillman et al 2013: 1/3rd of WC parents would prefer their child not attend university as they can't afford the living expenses
  • 30% of uni students are WC Vs 50% of population
  • Mortimore and Whitty 1997: material inequalities have greatest effect on a child's education
  • Robinson 1997 tackling child poverty effective way to boost achievment