Social change

Cards (14)

  • 6 stages of conversion
    • Drawing attention
    • Consistency
    • Deeper processing
    • The augmentation principle
    • The snowball effect
    • Social cryptomnesia
  • Who came up with the 6 stages of conversion
  • What is Drawing attention?
    Through social proof to the problem
  • What is Consistency?
    Consistency of message and intent
  • What is Deeper processing?

    Of the issue people begin to question the status quo
  • What is The augmentation principle?

    Drastic action such as risking life
  • What is The snowball effect?
    Small things begin to build up until larger groups such as governments notice
  • What is Social cryptomnesia?
    People have a memory that change occurred but don't remember how
  • How might dissent bring about social change?
    Breaks the power of majority and unanimity making it easier for others to follow
  • How might gradual commitment bring about social change?
    Small changes are resisted less so that later greater change can occur
  • What did Nolen et al do?
    Hung signs on doors in California some said that most residents were trying to reduce energy consumption while others said nothing about what other people were doing
  • What di Nolen et al want to study?
    Wanted to see if social influence could lead to changes in energy consumption
  • What did Nolen et al find?
    With the signs that said others were doing it there was a significant decrease in energy consumption
  • What is Diane Mackie's argument against minority influence?
    • Says majority influence creates deeper processing
    • We like to believe that people share our views
    • If the majority thinks different then we are more likely to question our views