
    Cards (27)

    • What is clinical depression?
      A mental disorder characterised by low mood and low energy levels
      It involves behavioural, emotional and cognitive characteristics
    • What age does depression usually occur at?
      20 - 40
    • How is depression diagnosed?
      Symptoms should be present all or most of the time and should persist for longer than two weeksNeed at least 2 of the key symptoms plus two more
    • Key symptoms of depression
      Low mood Loss of interest and pleasure Reduced energy levels
    • Key symptoms of depression: Low mood

      Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day as indicated by either subjective report or observations from others
    • Key symptoms of depression: Loss of interest and pleasure
      Diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities
    • Key symptoms of depression: Reduced energy levels
      • This has a knock-on effect, with individuals tending to withdraw from work, education and social life
      • Can lead to individuals not being able to get out of bed
    • What are all forms of depression characterised by?
      Changes in mood
    • DSM-5 categories of depression
      Major Depressive Disorder
      Persistent Depressive Disorder
      Disruptive Mood Regulation Disorder
      Premenstrual Dysphoria Disorder
    • What is major depressive disorder?
      Severe but often short term depression
    • What is persistent depressive disorder?
      Long-term or recurring depression, including sustained major depression
    • What disruptive mood regulation disorder?
      Ongoing irritability, anger, and frequent, intense temper outbursts
    • What is premenstrual dysphoria disorder?
      Disruption to mood prior to and/or during menstruation
    • 3 types of characteristics of depression
      Behavioural CognitiveEmotional
    • Behavioural characteristics of depression
      • Activity Levels
      • Disruption to sleeping and eating behaviour
      • Aggression and Self-Harm
    • Behavioural characteristics of depression: Activity Levels
      Reduced energy levels/lethargy Withdraw from social activityCan't get out of bedPsychomotor agitation
    • What is psychomotor agitation?
      Individuals struggling to relax and pacing up and down
    • Behavioural characteristics of depression: Disruption to sleeping and eating behaviour
      Reduced sleep (insomnia) or increased need for sleep (hypersomnia)Appetite and eating may increase or decrease leading to weight gain or loss
    • Behavioural characteristics of depression: Aggression and Self-Harm

      • Irritable, verbally or physically aggressive
      • Can lead to loss of relationships/jobs etc physical aggression directed against the self as a form of self-harm
    • Emotional characteristics of depression
      Lowered Mood,
      Lowered Self-Esteem
    • Emotional characteristics of depression: Lowered Mood
      • more than the daily experience of feeling lethargic and sad
      • People with depression often describe themselves as 'worthless' and 'empty
    • Emotional characteristics of depression: Anger
      Experience negative emotions including anger May be directed at themselves or othersLead to aggressive or self-harming behaviour
    • Emotional characteristics of depression: Lowered Self-Esteem
      • People with depression tend to report reduced self-esteem
      • They like themselves less than usual - A sense of self-loathing
    • Cognitive characteristics of depression
      • Poor concentration
      • Attending to or dwelling on the negative
      • Absolutist thinking
    • Cognitive characteristics of depression: Poor concentration
      • Unable to stick with a task or may find it hard to make decisions that they usually found straight forward
      • Interfere with the individual's work
    • Cognitive characteristics of depression: Attending to or dwelling on the negative
      • Pay attention to negative aspects of a situation and ignore the positives
      • Bias towards recalling unhappy events rather than happy ones
    • Cognitive characteristics of depression: Absolutist thinking

      Think every situation is good or bad, no middle ground'black and white thinking'Situations that are unfortunate tends to be seen as an absolute disaster
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