Social Support

Cards (5)

  • Conformity
    • The pressure to conform can be resisted if there are other people present who are not conforming.
    • It enables the naïve participant to be free to follow their own conscience.
    • Asch's 'unanimity variation' - the dissenter shows that the majority is no longer unanimous.
  • Obedience
    • The pressure to obey can be resisted if there is another person who is seen to disobey.
    • The disobedient model challenges the legitimacy of the authority figure, making it easier for others to disobey.
    • Milgram's 'dissenting peer' variation - the rate of obedience dropped from 65% to 10% when the genuine participant was joined by a disobedient confederate.
  • Real-world research support

    • R+
    • Susan Albrecht - Teen Fresh Start USA; 8 week programme to help pregnant adolescents to resist peer pressure to smoke
    • Social support provided by an older 'mentor/buddy'
    • Adolescents who had a 'buddy' were significantly less likely to smoke than a control group who didn't
    • ++ External validity
  • Research support for dissenting peers
    • R+
    • Gamson et al - participants told to produce evidence that would be used to help an oil company run a smear campaign
    • Higher levels of resistance in their study than Milgram's
    • Participants were in groups so could discuss what they were told to do
    • 29 of 33 groups (88%) rebelled against their orders
    • Undermining the legitimacy of an authority figure
  • Social support explanation
    • Vernon & Allen - when dissenter had 'good eyesight', 64% of participants refused to conform. When there was no supporter at all only 3% of participants resisted
    • However, the study also showed that social support does not always help - when the dissenter had obviously poor eyesight resistance was only 36%