Each carbon is covalentlybonded to Four other carbons.
Its a giant covalentstructure.
Covelentbonds are strong.
Electrolysis at the cathode.
Hydrogenisproduced at the cathode if the metal is more reactivethan hydrogen. If the metal is lessreactive than hydrogen than the metal is produced at the cathode.
Write down the method for the titration experiment.
Filltheburette with 0.5 mol/dm3 of Hcl.
Pipette 15 cm3 of NaOH solution into the conicalflask and add a few drops ofphenolphthaleinindicator.
Openthetaptoreleasesmall amounts ofHcl into the conical flask, swirlgentlyaftereachadditionuntilthesolutionhaschangedcolour.