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  • Siddhartha was born into the (Kshatriya caste) between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE in Lumbini, a town in Southern nepal near the border of india.
  • Siddhartha was born a Hindu, and Hinduism greatly influenced his teachings and the Buddhist doctrine.
  • The father of Siddhartha was Suddhodana; an aristocratic Hindu chieftain. While his mother was Mahamaya; a koliyan princess.
  • Siddhartha was raised a prince and belong in Brahmin caste class.
  • Siddhartha experienced the comforts of a luxurious and sheltered lifestyle. However, he encountered four sights which changes the way he saw the world: Old Age, Sickness, Death, and Monk in Meditation.
  • Monk in Meditation, whose example inspired Gautama to renounce the material world.
  • Siddhartha, at the age of 29 left his family to search for the deeper meaning of life and traveled throughout Northeast India and spent time learning from the philosophers and the wisest gurus of that era, but found that it wasn't enough.
  • Siddhartha went through self-mortification (punishing himself), which led him to extreme asceticism (practice of living a simple life without physical pleasures or self-denial). But after six years of learning, he decided that asceticism wasn't not the way to achieve his goals.
  • Buddha sat under a sacred fig tree to meditate; he attained enlightenment and it's believed that he had experienced clarity of mind was able to examine the meanings of the mind, the universe, and life itself. ;

    He became free of desire, illusion, ill will, and inner suffering, thereby attaining peace. Hence, he was called Shakyamuni (capability and kindness) Buddha, and the tree was known as the Bodhi Tree.