
Cards (23)

  • Reformation: movement in 1500s, was the reform and change in the catholic church resulting in the protestant church, focused on using bible over pope
  • Reformation, started by martin luther who published '95 theses' which was a document of 95 ideas about christianity, inviting people to debate with him. Ideas were highly controversial. They were translated and read widely
  • English Reformation: started when henry 8 sought annulment of marriage with Catherine of Aragon. Pope said no, so kind declared he should be the final authority in matters relating to english church (divine right of kings); Act of Supremacy (1534) made henry head of Church of England.
  • Henry 8 personality: had a religious upbringing and was not trained to be king. Considered handsome at start of reign, played sports and was a skilled academic scholar. Differing policy to father - henry 7 set up kingdom to be reliant on monarch.
  • Henry 8 rule splits into sections: rise of wolsey; wolsey; rise of cromwell; cromwell; henry 8 on his own.
  • Wolsey was the son of a butcher. He went to oxford where he was the bursar for his college. NEW MEN. Used church as a vehicle for advancement, as it provided opportunities.
  • Wolsey was appointed kings almoner (a priest in charge of distributing assistance to poor on behalf of king).
  • 1507 - wolsey becomes kings chaplain (private priest)
  • Wolsey did not fear failure and was prepared to take calculated risks.
  • Wolsey worked for Richard Fox (henry 7 trusted advisor) and gained experience of government. When henry 8 ascended wolsey noted that he may wish to break free from his inherited advisors. Wolsey gave henry 8 advice he wanted to hear.
  • French Expedition - opportunity for wolsey to prove his worth. He volunteered to organise the expeditionary force (army sent to fight in another country) in 1513. This was a huge task and henry 8 had high expectations.
  • French expedition - wolsey achieved results, but often antagonised others. More people complained, more henry 8 liked that wolsey did not let things get in his way. In reward was given archbishop of york (second highest position in english church)
  • Wolsey becoming cardinal: put pressure on pope and gained support from henry 8, 1515 became cardinal.
  • Wolsey was lord chancellor, the highest office of state.
  • 1518 - wolsey became papal legate
  • Papal legate/a legatus a latare: a position meaning a representative with full papal powers. 'legatine powers' - wolsey achieved extentions on his power, before securing them for life in 1524.
  • Factors in Wolsey's rise to power: henry wanting to move away from old advisors; church; skills; acceptance of new men; henry 8 political disinclination; events (french expedition).
  • Aim 1: Securing the french crown. Henry 8 didnt need to worry about rival claims to the throne. Focus on extending own power, inspired by the battle of agincourt and henry 5. Had some success but failed to conquer france.
  • Securing french crown was henry 8 main aim at start of rule, then shoved aside for securing succession, and appears again at end of rule.
  • Aim 2, securing the succession: by late 1520s no son likelihood of catherine producing a male heir low, had had daughter Mary 1. Wanted male heir. Henry believed his marraige was cursed, so pursued divorce and re marriage. Ruthlessly pursued, had large impacts.
  • Wolseys Aims: retaining royal authority. Extend own power, become pope and rise in church. Was a new man so wanted to help the ordinary person more.
  • Wolsey weilded the power of the king and was responsible for many of the changes/policies of the period. Henry was politically disinclines.
  • Debate - 'the kings cardinal or the cardinals king'