Organisms carry out a range of different chemical reactions to maintain their survival, which are done in different departments of the cell and different organelles, known as metabolic reactions.
Metabolic reactions are important for survival, for example, in the plant's chloroplast, there's a whole range of different steps and reactions happening for the process of photosynthesis.
The word metabolism is defined to refer to all of the reactions which happen in the body, not just digestion, but also respiration, how we see things, how we think, breathing in the lungs, and all of the reactions that happen.
The addition of an enzyme lowers the activation energy required for a reaction to start, making it more likely for successful reactions to occur per unit of time.
The pink line on the graph represents the progress without an enzyme, where the activation energy is quite high and fewer molecules have the right amount of energy to collide and form products.
The active site of the enzyme can have various chemical groups such as hydroxide groups, hydrogen groups, positive ions, negative ions, and electron donating molecules, all interacting with the substrate in the right way to do the right reaction.
The active site of the enzyme contains reactive molecules that can carry out all of these little steps in a controlled way and in the correct way, with a lower activation energy than normal.
Enzymes are catalysts that lower the activation energy required for a reaction to start, making it easier for more molecules to collide and form products.
Enzymes are important molecules for carrying out all of our reactions and any living organism has to carry out a range of metabolic reactions in order to stay alive.
Metabolism is defined as all of the chemical reactions that happen in the body, which can refer to many things like respiration, digestion, photosynthesis, and more.
The shape of the active site isn't always going to stay the same and it can be changed by certain factors such as ph, temperature, and the presence of inhibitors or cofactors.
Enzymes are depicted as large proteins which are folded into a correct shape and they take our reactants and turn them into products because on their own these things won't happen fast enough.
The change in energy that happens in a reaction can be represented on a graph as the progress of the reaction on the x-axis and the energy of the reactants and products on the y-axis.
Some reactions have a low activation energy and a tiny amount of energy to go over that hill and begin the reaction because at the start there will be more molecules that have enough of this energy to react.